ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL will take place during 2024 Summer in Cazzago Brabbia, a small village of less than 1’000 inhabitants surrounded by beautiful lakes.
ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL aims the idea of begin and stimulate a process of change envisioning by 2025 the area of the former clay kiln as a new public industrial park given to the community. A new, meaningful piece for the village of Cazzago. We and our guests, do share the ambition and the enthusiasm to spread around the globe beauty and genuine moments. Nevertheless we see those moments as an opportunity of growing together, making new friends and connections, enjoying instant of creativity, work, passion, celebrating life in its pleasure. Amusing ourself.
ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL aims to celebrate the idea of making, whether it is about building something, whether it is about drawing something, planting, thinking... making!
ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL invites creatives from all over the world to participate and to contribute to its making and its future. We love the idea to host several perspectives, coming from different point of view, focusing for a moment on the same realm, enriching that process with intelligence, creativity, curiosity and humbleness.
ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL envision the idea of making something significant and useful for the community and to add one after the other little pieces to a bigger puzzle that will compose a new industrial park for CITTA’ DEI LAGHI.
ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL will make available a real workshop where every kind of machine will be at yours and your teachers disposal allowing you to experience and to experiment different techniques and tools. The curatorial of ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL will be run by AMArchitectrue together with OASI architects.
If one points a finger on the centre of a world map, unknowingly would touch our venue. The region named CITTA’ DEI LAGHI behave as a wonderful spot linking Italy, Switzerland and the main European settlements. It is an area of strong flows and connections. It has always been like this. Just consider that the first motorway was born right here, to connect Milan to Varese (and the rest of Europe). It is an area of economy and commerce and it has been an area of marvelous inventiveness and intelligence related to the making and manufacturing. An area where landscape developed quickly together with its industries and workshops. Sometimes too quick.
But apart from all of these manmade features, CITTA’ DEI LAGHI is an extraordinary beautiful environment where the nature cradles its inhabitants and frames their life. Cazzago is one of the most intriguing places along the coast of the Varese Lake, connected to the city and to the other surroundings by a continuous bike lane by which one could slowly and easily move across the district. Bicycles are one of the main features of the place and bike lanes are very much present connecting not only the more central areas but also other regions and villages.

One could actually bike everywhere always being surrounded by trees and birds. Trees and birds are the main inhabitants of our region and they are part of the everyday beauty of our natural reservoir named PALUDE BRABBIA, an oasi where endangered species fly, run and put roots in a non-contaminated area, open and free to be experienced by kids with their parents, birdwatchers and passionate of nature, schools and classes. It is a strong venue of interest for many different kind of people coming from all over the world.
We decided to set ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL in such a place. A bucolic area surrounded by lakes, by a marvelous flora and fauna. A place where the perception changes and where time go slower, a place where gestures are given the right importance, a place where one could enjoy the beauty of being reconnecting with nature and its joy. What one love about the place we choose to install ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL is the fact that it allows life to happen in many ways, faster when you decide, intense - every day - and slow when you wish.
It is a genuine platform that allows life being shaped everyday differently and accordingly to the needs and to the curiosity of its actors.
When we met OASI we felt a strong connection in terms of shared value and we immediately figured out the understanding of the many things we share intellectually. The desire of doing something together came quickly. We began discussing about the idea of creativity and education, the meaning of being an architect nowadays and the importance of sharing. ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL came out as a title during a dinner with Jan De Vylder in Cazzago. We see this project as an opportunity for sharing our passion of being architects, the love for education and pedagogy, the importance of genuine values and the devotion toward our beloved venue. All together, healthy ingredients ready to cook a wonderful cake. Aside from being practicing architects we are lucky enough to be involved in education and this involvement brought us aiming the idea of installing a School here in this place we love.
Together with our friends who immediately jumped on board for this adventure we are delighted to start the first OPEN CALL initiating ours / yours ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL!
Can’t wait to have you here with us!

Duccio Maria Gambi
7 - 14 July
Duccio Maria Gambi’s work is heterogeneous as heterogeneous is the wide path he explored before opening his studio and workshop in Paris in 2012. He has a strong theoretical background built during his studies in the Radical Movement environment of Florence and studying interior design in Milan. He is aware of both the industrial and artisanal constraints and potentials thanks to his working experiences in design studios and artisan’s workshops.
Leonid Slonimskiy
Artem Kitaev
14 - 21 July
KOSMOS is an architectural practice with offices in Zürich and Graz, which collaborates virtually across the borders. The office realizes projects of diverse scales: from a door handle to a city plan; and of different types: from art installations and pavilions to big public, residential, cultural and infrastructural buildings. KOSMOS combines art and technology; experience learned at the best international practices with attention to local specificities and resources; professionalism with drive.

Alessandro Mason
Alice Cazzolato
21 - 28 July
Studio GISTO, founded in 2010 by Alessandro Mason, designer and architect, and Alice Cazzolato, psychologist, develops projects ranging from design, architecture and craftsmanship in collaboration with institutions, companies and other realities. The approach used pays attention to the resources present in the context, the sustainability of materials and circular development processes and the social well-being.

Inge Vinck
28 July - 4 August
Inge Vinck (1973) is a Belgian architect based in Ghent; co-founder of architecten jan de vylder inge vinck. / inge vinck jan de vylder architecten (A JDVIV / IVJDV A- 2019). Currently Inge Vinck is professor at the Baukunstklasse of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and member of the board of 019 Gent/Smoke and Dust vzw. AJDVIV/IVJDVA is today a multidisciplinary practice in which the making and the thinking is deeply imbedded. Many ongoing projects - drawing table and under construction - are alternating with all kind of reflections- drawings and writings -.

AMArchitectrue is a practice based in Varese, led by Stefania Agostini and Luca Mostarda. Both graduated at the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio, Switzerland, they started working together in 2018, addressing the practice on every nuance’s architecture would bring on their tables, spanning in their production from the most various projects and scales, willing to pursue the cultural realm of the nowadays meaning of being an architect. Curiosity, genuine, irony are keywords in our work.

OASI architects
O A S I architects is an emerging architecture practice founded in 2009 and constantly devoted to answer the daily life needs for individuals and communities. The name does not designate a signature or it does not presume an attitude.
Projects are developed through a careful perception towards the context where each project is based, not only geographical (place) but also in regard of the complexity of its conditions (client, budget, timing).

Paolo Bianco
Paolo Bianco graduated from the Politecnico di Torino in Sustainable Architecture (MAST). Since 2022, he is PhD Candidate in Architecture. History and Project (Politecnico di Torino) and Member of the Joint Research Unit Transitional Morphologies. From 2020 to 2022, he curated workshops on architecture, graphic design and self-construction in Alta Langa, in collaboration with young and innovative realities of the Italian and European design panorama. Since 2020, he is teaching assistant in architectural and urban design studios at the Politecnico of Torino.

Last but not least. A very important theme for ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL. We like the idea of being together not only while making but as well by the so called informal moments. We will live for one week one close to the other, breakfast and lunch will be organized and prepared under the porch of the primary school structure that will host you. The dinner will be prepared by BON restaurant and it will take place in their lovely structure, a place full of charme and passion. A pivoting spot for the village community.
Nevertheless, we want you to enjoy and to breath our beautiful environment. We will travel together in relevant cultural sites as Villa Panza to visit James Turrell and Dan Flavin installations and as well we will simply bring you to enjoy a bath at the sunset on Monate’s lake, a lovely one.
We do believe that these moments will be very much useful and enriching for your involvement and for your deep comprehension and elaboration of the shared project purpose.

ANOTHER SUMMER SCHOOL will be hosted by the Primary School of Cazzago Brabbia. As every other Primary School, ours is a shelter that for 3 months a year does not work. We saw it as an opportunity to host you and we agreed together with the municipality the efficiency of such an intervention. The ground floor of the Primary School will be at your disposal; the inner spaces and the external spaces with its garden. We envisioned the gym as a dorm where ‘little textile rooms’ will be arranged by the organization.
Women and men separate bathroom with showers will be at your disposal on site. The exterior space its composed by a portico and a garden. The portico will be hosting both the kitchen / eating / chilling area and the working areas. The whole arrangement of the spaces will be set up by the organization before your arrival. The cleaning of the space will happen twice during yours staying and it will be operate by a professional. The inscription fee do cover all the expenses for your staying like accommodation, food, courses and teachers, material and tools. It does not cover insurance which is mandatory for each of the candidates to stipulate one.
Cazzago Brabbia, Varese Lake, Italy.
The workshop involves the design and realisation of a series of objects, devices for transforming and reactivating the area of the former clay kiln.
From July 7th to August 4th, divided in 4 weeks of workshops.
The curatorial of Another Summer School will be run by AMArchitectrue together with OASI architects.
The organisation will be guided by the architect Paolo Bianco.
The whole period of the 4 workshop will be filmed by the Director Paolo Boriani and the final outcome will be photographed by Helenio Barbetta.
Another Summer School is open to architecture or design students, young professionals, researchers, PhD students and to people with a background and professional experience in the field. Craftsman involved in the constructive process such as carpenter and blacksmith are also very welcome.
Fee: 700 € x 1 week (including accommodation, food and trips) or 500 € each if you inscribe with one or more friends
Days: 7
Lectures: 3 x week
Students: 15 max x week
Official language: English
ECTS: Participants will receive a certificate of attendance at activities for a number equal to 50hours of work (2 ECTS).
Arrival: directly at Cazzago Brabbia or Varese central railway station